A person sitting at a desk.
A person walking down a flight of stairs.
A man and a woman walking in a hallway.
A room with white walls and red chairs.
A group of people sitting at a table in a room with glass walls.
A person sitting in an office.
A room with a few computers.
A person walking up a flight of stairs.
A long hallway with white walls.
A person standing on a staircase.
People standing in a room.
A person standing in a hallway.
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Seattle, Washington

This rapidly expanding software company sought a flexible space to accommodate multiple modes of working, while promoting a consistent brand and culture. Through deliberate zoning, employees are offered both quiet and active areas, with private offices creating acoustical and visual buffers between conference rooms and quiet workspaces. Small, enclosed team rooms are situated between private offices and the open workspace, providing another layer of screening. Hubs centered on each floor draw employees together with circulation paths, fostering desirable, spur-of-the-moment interactions.