Maruwa Seto Factory building exterior
Maruwa Seto Factory landscape in the evening
Maruwa Seto Factory building exterior during the day
Maruwa Seto Factory building exterior during the day
MARUWA Seto Factory building exterior
Maruwa Seto Factory interior staircase and steps
Maruwa Seto Factory interior with round lights
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MARUWA Seto Factory

Aichi, Japan

株式会社MARUWA 瀬戸工場プロジェクト


Originally known for its production of ceramics, MARUWA has evolved into a leading global manufacturer of ceramic materials used for electronic components. Following the design of MARUWA’s R&D Center, Gensler transformed the company’s factory into a global hub and a community asset, replacing a site in Aichi known for illegal dumping.

The design, referred to as a “BRIDGE,” connects the company to the world, blending local tradition and the future. The manufacturing factory’s architecture extends horizontally and boasts a dynamic roof, creating a sleek aesthetic while maintaining functionality. Inspired by the unique details of local crafts, the landscaping complements the overall design of the factory. The atrium prioritizes employee well-being through ample natural light and encourages seamless communication. The landscape design features a regulating pond that is open to neighbors and offers a plaza for hosting events. Redefining the typical “closed box” environments of a factory, Gensler aspired to create a facility that reflects MARUWA’s most advanced and innovative technology.


そこで、「BRIDGE」というデザインコンセプトのもと、MARUWAとグローバル、計画地と地域社会、瀬戸の伝統と未来を繋ぐ、「架け橋」となる工場の実現を目指した。機能性を遵守した建築デザインは、水平方向に伸びる佇まいとダイナミックな屋根が特徴。ランドスケープデザインは地元発祥の瀬戸焼が持つ独特なディテールや素材などからもインスピレーションを得た。2つに分かれた生産エリアを繋ぐアトリウムは自然光に溢れ、従業員のウェルビーイングを高めるとともに、偶発的なコミュニケーションが生まれる空間とした。 調整池として機能するランドスケープには、広場や散策路も設けることで周辺住民にも開かれた場所となった。工場の典型的な「閉ざされた環境」を再定義し、MARUWAの先進的で革新的な技術を象徴する施設が完成した。