© Romain Ricard
Confidential Paris client conference room.
Woman walking in conference room.
Woman opening closet door in conference room.
Man walking into conference room.
Conference room with 2 women seated and 1 man walking in.
Confidential Paris client lounge seating outside conference room.
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Confidential Financial Client

Paris, France

Confidential Financial Client

Paris, France

The program for this financial services client’s Paris-based workspace includes a boardroom, a conference room, and a flexible meeting room capable of welcoming 36 people for a lecture-style presentation. The space also includes two spacious private dining rooms, catered to by a full-service kitchen. Two small phone rooms allow for breakouts during long meetings for workers and visitors to take private phone calls.

Gensler’s design of this financial workplace is defined by a deceptively simple and minimal material palette, with warm tones of walnut which cover its floor and walls, creating the effect of enveloping visitors in an aura of trust and comfort. The scale of the wood cladding, subtle cove lighting, and a softly curved wall linking to the ceiling, work together to give the impression of a space larger and more open than its physical boundaries. All circulation and public spaces will feature solid timber flooring while meeting rooms will include carpet tile in order to retain access to the technical raised floor.

Le projet est défini par une palette de matériaux d’une simplicité trompeuse et minimale, avec des tons chauds qui recouvrent le sol et les murs comme pour envelopper les visiteurs d’un sentiment de sérénité et de confort. Le revêtement en bois, l’éclairage subtil et une courbe douce reliant le mur au plafond s’associent pour donner l’impression d’un espace plus grand et plus ouvert.

Le programme de ces espaces comprend une salle de conseil, une salle de conférences et une salle de réunion modulable pouvant accueillir 36 personnes. L’espace comprend également deux salles à manger privées spacieuses, desservies par une cuisine équipée. Deux petites salles permettent des pauses lors de longues réunions pour prendre des appels téléphoniques privés.