Financial services provider building exterior in the evening
Financial services provider campus building
Financial services provider campus building
Financial services workplace common area and cafe
Financial services provider communal workspace
Financial services provider communal workspace
Financial services workplace cafeteria
Financial services workplace cafeteria
Financial services workplace outdoor seating area
Financial services provider building exterior
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Confidential Financial Client

Morrisville, North Carolina

The global financial services giant wanted to make better use of their Research Triangle Park campus as a showcase to attract the best talent. Surrounded by natural beauty, the updated campus provides more access to outdoor areas, connects occupants in multiple buildings, and expresses the brand and vision of the organization.

The design of the new 205,000 square foot, four-story building supports this confidential financial client’s organizational changes and new ways of working. With their embrace of Smart Working, employees have a variety of working environments to choose from, depending on their needs. The free-address, activity-based space also fosters better collaboration and focused work, while creating more efficiency and flexibility. The building also includes modern amenities such as a full cafeteria and conference center to support staff from both buildings. The overall design is thoughtful and sustainable, incorporating photovoltaics and solar hot water heating.