A person sitting at a desk.
A room with a table and chairs.
A person walking in a room.
A group of people in a room.
A room with a tv and chairs.
A person sitting at a desk.
A group of people sitting in a room.
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San Jose, California

Contract furniture dealer COG wanted a different kind of furniture showroom, one that embraced its spirit of innovation. The new showroom and workplace, created with the company’s Haworth products, features high-end video conference capabilities, interactive “mondo pad” technology, and Haworth’s own “Workware” – a set of tools that enables technology integration in the workplace – all seamlessly interwoven into the design. In collaboration with Haworth and COG, Gensler developed “Patterns Architecture,” used to creatively enclose a space, featured in the showroom with Haworth’s “Enclose” walls, which are both now part of the company’s product line. This collaborative workplace actively demonstrates COG’s thought leadership to local tech clients.