Innovation Consulting Capability Framework graphic
Innovation Consulting Capability Tools graphic
Innovation Consulting Capability Methods graphic
Innovation Consulting Capability Roles graphic
Innovation Consulting Capability Innovation Factory graphic
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Capability Building

Gensler collaborates with organizations facing any type of disruption to their business, culture, and/or operations, to help them adapt and transform. Our strategic approach helps our clients build a foundation and the necessary infrastructure to meet the new, changing demands they encounter.

Our strategists design a holistic framework and capability collateral to provide clients with a clear path from ideation to implementation, including specialized tools, methods, and roles that can be integrated into their culture and business. This custom content encourages those within organizations to be innovative and accomplish never-before-seen transformations.

Our capability model allows us to bring these capabilities to life through prototyping. We create unique experiences to test different models and leverage the gathered insights to inform feedback for further development.

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