Aspect Health logo.
Several pieces of paper with different images.
A black bag with a white logo.
A building with a sign in front.
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Aspect Health Brand Design

To reflect its evolving identity as a real estate advisor, investor, and developer focused on elevating the future of healthcare delivery, Gensler designed a full rebrand for Maplewood Healthcare’s transformation to Aspect Health. Consisting of brand naming, positioning, visual identity, and guidelines, the design speaks to Aspect Health’s role as a strategic company that prioritizes a long-term vision, considering diverse points of view and recognizing the need to be dynamic in a changing field. The Aspect Health logo represents the idea of coming together by creating one central focal point from which different parts of the healthcare industry — including their business and that of their clients — radiate outward. The look and feel demonstrate how Aspect Health provides a future-focused strategy to enable healthcare system leaders and physicians to focus on what matters most: their patients.